Move Your Organization Forward with Powerful Digital Communication Tools

The stakes have never been higher for transportation organizations around the world. In an era of a global pandemic, record-high inflation, and transportation costs we are experiencing an increasingly competitive environment. Today’s organizations are facing competition on all fronts. To compete, we must engage our employees and empower them to make smart decisions quickly, address opportunities and threats, and operate transparently.

Come hear from your TMSA peers about how digital signage has helped them engage employees better and stay competitive in today's economy.

Topics include:

* How digital signage fits within their team member communication strategy
* How sharing real-time data dashboards can engage employees in decision-making
* How digital signage can boost employee engagement

Jay Leedy, Sony Business Development Manager (B2B)
Trish Metts, Burris Logistics
Kyle Chambers, Arrive Logistics
Antoinette Longcrier, Skykit

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